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Awards and Testimonials

KidzClix presented educational award by
the Center for Gifted
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KidzClix given prestigious award.
View Our Silver Honor Review & Seal

Testimonials - Endorsements - Approval - Honors

Boy Holding Audio Recording Equipment

“A great way to keep kids engaged in learning at home.  I’ll be recommending it to parents.

Rick Herrijon, elementary school principal, Buffalo Grove, IL

“KidzClix provides a safe and educational outlet through which my students can learn, explore, and stretch their minds.  It offers activities for all interests, and an opportunity for students to submit their writing and best ideas to share with kids across the world.”

Kathryn Haydon, teacher, Ojai, CA

“ is a phenomenal concept!  The activities are accessible and appealing to the eye.  This online magazine has come at just the right time for kids everywhere.”

Eve Dicker Eiseman, retired professor of Exceptional Education, Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

“I’m really impressed with the activities on KidzClix—highly creative and entertaining.  It can really expand a child�s knowledge base�subjects like math and science become exciting for students!”

Jane Artabasy, Golden Apple winner, Glencoe, IL

“I’m so excited about the debut of KidzClix.  I wish my own children were this age again.  There are so many different types of activities and areas of interest to explore. As a teacher, I hope every student is given an opportunity to subscribe to this fabulous site.”

Carol Fisher, Golden Apple winner, Chicago, IL

“I have been a 7th grade Social Studies teacher for 32 years and have seen many changes in ways to engage my students and get them interested in learning.  Having them use the computer to do research for projects always seems to energize them and increase their desire to gain more information.  In examining the KidzClix site, I could see a lot of potential in stimulating students to pursue many different channels to satisfy their curiosity and desire to learn.”

James Howarth, Waukegan, IL, three times selected to Who’s Who of American Teachers

“Your child’s enthusiasm for learning will just naturally emerge as he/she participates in the creative activities offered on”

Joan Franklin Smutny, Director of the Center for Gifted at National-Louis University, Glenview, IL

Girl with a Blowhorn

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