What's the best way to contact KidzClix?
Toll Free: 1-888-899-4583
Email: [email protected]
What are my subscription/payment options?
KidzClix.net is a members-only subscription service available for only 5.95 per month. Or save by purchasing a 3-month subscription for just $14.99. We also offer deep discount rates for educators and school/organization fundraisers. Every month we add new activities. Subscriptions may be cancelled at anytime.
How is KidzClix organized?
Currently KidzClix has three main sections: our magazine, called KidzArena; our networking section, called KidzConnect; and KidzGallery, highlighting the creative accomplishments of our members.
What kind of activities are in KidzArena?
KidzArena is our “magazine” section, containing fun and educational activities for children. Each month members receive well over 30 activities, articles, and resources in a variety of areas, including science, math, chess, magic, art, cooking, and much, much more. You'll also hear about the achievements, contributions, reviews and opinions of kids nationwide — and get to share your own.
What type of content will go into the KidzGallery?
KidzGallery is our section where kids can share their artwork, art photos, educational projects, school projects, and KidzClix activities with the world. Submissions are only accepted from KidzClix members, so only Kidzclix members can win prizes.
Our Kidz Contests will have creative challenges to stimulate the mind and provide hours of fun and learning.� Winners of each contest will be awarded cool prizes, and have their work showcased here in KidzGallery. A number of finalists will also have their work displayed for all the world to see in our gallery.
How do I participate in Kidz Contests?
Approximately four times a year, KidzClix will offer a new contest for members. Each Kidz Contests activity will have creative challenges to stimulate the mind and provide hours of fun and learning.� Winners of each contest will be awarded cool prizes, and have their work showcased in our KidzGallery for all the world to see.
What is KidzConnect?
KidzConnect is our kid-friendly networking community, open only to members. It has been designed with the safety of children in mind. It provides a global connection for homework help, project ideas, and general discussions on topics of interest to kids.
Online forums, chat rooms, and member profiles, are continuously monitored for appropriate content. KidzConnect is fully compliant with COPPA (Children's Online Privacy and Protection Act).
How do I get help with any technical issues?
To receive help with issues related to our site, please contact:
[email protected] or call
For optimal viewing, we recommend a high speed Interenet connection. Minimum screen resolution is 1024x768. Adobe Flash Player 9 is required.
Why is KidzClix considered a safer site for children?
Online safety of children is a top priority.�You can be confident that we will protect your child�s personal information and your account information. Here are some of our safety features:
• No direct links to other sites on member�s pages.
• Networking features are open to members only.
• Monitoring of message boards, chat rooms, & uploads.
• Concerns about safety or abuse can be easily reported.
• KidzClix is compliant with COPPA.
• Personal information won't be sold or shared with 3rd parties.
How is personal information protected by KidzClix?
KidzClix is committed to providing a fun and safe educational experience for kids.� We are dedicated to safeguarding all personal information we collect online, and to educating parents and children on how to safely explore the Internet. Because most of the visitors to this site are children�defined in the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 as anyone under the age of 13�we take great measures to ensure that our content is child appropriate.�Read our Privacy Policy to learn more.
How do I submit an educational activity to KidzClix?
If you are a teacher or parent with ideas for activities that will enrich and educate children, we�d like to hear from you! To submit your activities, lessons or ideas, Download our "Activity Submission Form," then email it to [email protected]. Our team of educators will review each submission. Contributors will be compensated for activities selected for this site.
Download our "Activity Submission Form," then email it to [email protected].
How can KidzClix help me raise money for my school or organization?
KidzClix makes a great fundraiser that is very easy for schools and organizations to implement, requiring a minimum amount of time and no upfront costs.
For details, visit our Fundraising Page or email us at [email protected].